Terms, Conditions & Policies
Summary of Significant Terms
We encourage you to carefully review these Terms and Conditions, as they impact your rights and may, in certain situations, result in restrictions on your Asper Rewards membership.
If you have any questions about these Terms and Conditions or need clarification on any part, please speak to an Aspers colleague in venue, who will be happy to assist.
Please pay particular attention to the Terms and Conditions highlighted below. Whilst each section of these Terms and Conditions should be fully read and understood, we especially want to highlight certain sections containing terms that may have a substantial impact on your membership of Aspers Rewards.
These terms and conditions (“terms”) govern participation in the Aspers Rewards programme (“Aspers Rewards”) and the issue and use of Aspers Rewards cards. Within these terms, a “Member” means a person who has agreed to the Aspers Rewards terms and to whom an Aspers Rewards card has been issued.
Most people gamble for fun and enjoyment. However, some people think of gambling as a way to make money, spend more than they can afford, or use gambling to distract themselves from everyday problems.
Following these tips can help you to gamble more safely.
www.BeGambleAware.Org offers a calculator that can help work this out for you.
This tool is completely anonymous and confidential - they do not ask for any personal details and do not store any data. Remember, everyone has different income and expenditure levels, and different financial limits. It is up to you to decide how much is ‘too much’.
If you are concerned about your gambling, click the links below to view our PLAYSMART leaflets for advice around staying in control and keeping your gambling affordable.
Keeping it Affordable Staying in ControlIf you think you are spending too much time or money gambling, then ask staff for more information about self-exclusion schemes.
Self-exclusion means asking a gambling provider to exclude you from gambling with them for a length of time, with a minimum period of 6 months. All gambling providers in Britain provide this option, allowing any customer who has followed the procedure to request self-exclusion.
If you choose to self-exclude please then consider also calling the National Gambling Helpline, Speak to an Adviser on Freephone 0808 8020 133, 24/7, who can offer you free, confidential advice and counselling, self-exclusion can be helpful but will be more effective if you also give them a call.
The National Gambling Helpline can provide information, advice and support in over 200 languages. Call them and ask them for help in the language of your choice. Advisers will be able to let you know where counselling can be offered across Great Britain in other languages.
How the self-exclusion schemes work:
SENSE allows people to voluntarily enrol in a scheme to exclude themselves nationally from all land-based casinos in the UK.
By joining self-exclusion schemes, you are agreeing that:
It is up to you to keep to your self-exclusion agreement, but the company and the staff will do all they reasonably can to help you. If you visit a venue from which you have self-excluded and are recognised or identify yourself as being excluded, you will be asked to leave and the other venues in the scheme will be informed.
If you want to self-exclude from online gambling, then you can visit GAMSTOP www.gamstop.co.uk which is currently available as a multi-operator self-exclusion scheme to UK and NI residents. It does not yet cover all gambling websites.
You can download a ‘site blocker’, which can block access from computers, tablets and phones to many online gambling sites, including some sites which are not part of the GamStop scheme e.g. illegal and overseas websites. Site blockers may also prevent some gambling advertising.
We know that you will be more likely to manage your gambling if you combine the use of blocking software and other technical tools like GamStop with the free treatment options on offer.
SENSE allows people who believe they have a problem with their gambling to voluntarily enroll in a scheme to exclude themselves nationally from all land-based casinos in the Great Britain.
GamCare operate the National Gambling Helpline and remains the first port of call for anyone experiencing problems with gambling. GamCare’s fully-trained advisers provide confidential advice, information and support to anyone experiencing a gambling problem, as well as to affected others. GamCare’s advisers take calls over the phone as well as through a secure chat system. The service is confidential and is available 24/7.
National Gambling Helpline 0808 8020 133
Global online support service for people who have been adversely affected by gambling. Our team of expert advisers deliver effective support via:
This site offers various help for the compulsive gambler including a Forum, Chat Room, Literature and of course most importantly a meeting finder
Meetings are the core of Gamblers Anonymous and they have meetings every day of the week throughout the UK
Gordon Moody Association offers a unique and intensive residential treatment programme in the UK for those gamblers most severely addicted
To apply for a position please complete the online form on http://gordonmoody.org.uk/
Helpline 08088 084000
Offers advice and support to enable callers to deal with their debts in a proactive and informed way. Self-help information packs are sent free to individuals with debt problems.
Established by the Responsibility in Gambling Trust to provide advice and information about responsible gambling.
On this website, you'll find advice and get access to free, confidential help by phone or online. You can learn about how gambling works, check if you or someone you know may have a gambling problem, and find tips on how to stay in control
Tel 0800 138 7777
The Money Helper Service is an independent service which gives free, unbiased money advice to everyone across the UK – online, over the phone and face to face.
The Aspers Group is committed to conducting its business with integrity and to adopting respectable and ethical standards, acting across its business interests with due care and diligence. The Company is committed to compliance with the Gambling Act 2005, the Gambling Commission’s Licence conditions and Codes of Practice, the Anti-Money Laundering Regulations 2017 and the Licensing Act 2003.
The Company ensures that its employees are aware of and fully comply with the licensing objectives and will deal with the Gambling Commission in an open and co-operative way. We are committed to offering socially responsible gambling and providing a safe environment to gamble in.
The Aspers Group has internal procedures in place to ensure that its business is conducted in compliance with all relevant primary and secondary legislation. The procedures will be communicated to all relevant staff and all those staff members who are required to hold a Gambling Commission Personal Licence will have the requisite competency for the licence held and the responsibilities associated with that position. We have well established staff practices and procedures in place including procedures for all staff to report grievances.
We believe that a well-structured and organised corporate business with well-trained management and staff is essential to our success. We deliver this success within the UK gambling legislative framework, working with our regulator through our management and compliance teams.
Richard Noble
Chief Executive Officer
Aspers are proud to have achieved a GamCare Standard – Advanced Level 2 Award. GamCare are a charity and the UK's leading provider of free information, advice and support for anyone affected by problem gambling. Part of their goal is to work with the gambling industry to support customers and prevent people from experiencing gambling-related harm.
The Safer Gambling Standard is an independent quality standard that assesses the measures gambling businesses have put in place to protect people from experiencing gambling-related harm. Aspers was assessed by GamCare through a review of the policies, procedures, systems and controls of a gambling business, as well as interviews with staff, website reviews and premises visits.
As an ethical casino operator, Aspers aims to create safer gambling environments for all of its customers. This can sometimes mean we need to get to know a bit more about you, this may even mean us requesting personal information. We understand this can sometimes feel intrusive, but we do this to get to know our customers better and help them to ensure their play with us stays enjoyable and affordable.
We thought it was important to let you know why we collect this information and how we use it, so we have put this information together, to help you understand why we need it and what happens once we have received it.
Some customers may spend more than they can afford when gambling, that is why we check in with you to ensure your play with Aspers remains affordable. Sometimes we may also request some evidence in the form of a payslip or bank statement. When we do this, it is simply to ensure that your income and wealth matches your play levels with us.
We may ask some questions to get to know you better. When we understand the types of game you play, the types of bets you place, and the levels that you usually play at, it allows us to make sure we’re offering you a great service. It also lets us know when the best time might be to have another check-in with you.
As a business regulated by the Gambling Commission in Great Britain, we are subject to certain rules and requirements. This can sometimes mean we need to find out a bit more about our customers. We take compliance seriously because it's not just about following the rules; it's about maintaining a safe, trusted, and transparent gaming environment. Regulations require us to verify our customers’ identities and sources of funds to prevent things like gambling harm, money laundering, and underage gambling. The documentary evidence you provide can help us do just that, ensuring that everyone plays by the same fair and square rules.
Once you have provided the information, you can rest easy whilst we go to work. Please be assured that we treat all your data in a strictly confidential manner, ensuring we adhere to all the terms of our Privacy Policy. We’ll let you know if we need anything else from you after this.
We appreciate that being asked personal questions and being asked to provide documentary evidence isn’t always comfortable, but we want you to rest assured we do this to look out for you and do not use the data for anything outside of our ethical and regulatory duties.
If you’d like to know anymore, you can speak to one of the managers in our venues who will be able to answer any further questions you might have.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes our Group’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending 30th June 2023.
Our Structure, business and supply chains
Aspers UK Holdings Limited (“the Group” or Aspers”) is a leading UK casino operator, The Group’s turnover in 2022/23 was in excess of £60m. During the same financial year, the Group had approximately 700 employees and 1 million customers visited our casinos.
The Group has four operating casinos:
The Group’s supply chain is comprised primarily of gaming suppliers and food and beverage, sourced principally from the UK and Europe. Further information about the Group can be found on our website at www.aspersgroup.co.uk
Our position
The Group is fully supportive of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and is committed to the prevention of modern slavery and human trafficking in all its forms and will not tolerate or condone the abuse of human rights within any part of its business or supply chains.
Our policies in relation to modern slavery and human trafficking
The Group is committed to business integrity, high ethical and moral standards and professionalism in all its activities. ‘Doing the right thing’ forms a central part of Aspers values. In line with these values. The Group has a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking, which extends to all business dealings and transactions in which it is involved, regardless of location or sector. The Group remains committed to strengthening its practices in this area, both within its own business and across its supply chains.
The Group is committed to business integrity, high ethical and moral standards and professionalism in all its activities. ‘Doing the right thing’ forms a central part of Aspers values. In line with these values. The Group has a zero-tolerance approach to slavery and human trafficking, which extends to all business dealings and transactions in which it is involved, regardless of location or sector. The Group remains committed to strengthening its practices in this area, both within its own business and across its supply chains.
Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour and human trafficking, all of which have in common the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.
The Group expects high standards from all of its contractors, suppliers and other business partners, we expect our suppliers to have appropriate anti-slavery and human trafficking policies and processes and communicate to our key suppliers that we have zero tolerance in regard to these matters. The Group expects that its suppliers will hold their own suppliers accountable to the same high standards for example, as part of its ongoing effort to identify and mitigate risk Aspers has updated the standard procurement contract terms used by its UK businesses to seek to ensure suppliers and, in turn, their suppliers, will comply with all laws, regulations and codes relating to slavery and human trafficking.
The Group is committed to:
Due diligence, specific risks and supplier adherence to Aspers’ values
In 2016 Aspers established a Modern slavery working group which is now a part of the Group Compliance and Risk Committee. The working group undertakes an internal risk assessment exercise on an annual basis with each division and with the central procurement function to evaluate the Group’s risks and identify best practices, around the prevention of slavery and human trafficking with its supply chains or any part of its business.
Information and training about slavery and human trafficking
To ensure an understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we provide training to relevant employees who are involved in procurement and supplier management processes. All members or our senior management team have been briefed on the subject.
The Group have a comprehensive suite of employee policies which are relevant to our attempts to ensure that there is no modern slavery in any part of our workforce. Our relevant policies include:
Board-level sign-off of this statement
The Group recognises the importance of the provision of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the Directors aim to ensure that slavery and human trafficking have no part in the Group’s operations and supply chain. The Group has always been vigilant about employee welfare and aims to be transparent in its practices. The Board welcomes the opportunity to state its firm commitment to a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and human trafficking.
Richard Noble, CEO
At Aspers UK Holdings Ltd, we are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. We encourage you to read this Privacy Policy carefully as it contains important information regarding how your personal data will be used by us. This policy explains the basis on which personal data we collect about you will be processed by us. Where we decide the purpose, or means, for which personal data is processed, we are the 'Data Controller'. We will comply with all applicable data protection laws, including the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation (“UK GDPR”).
By engaging with our casinos, you acknowledge you have read and understood this Privacy Policy.
This policy explains the following:
We collect information about you whenever you utilise certain services, such as the Aspers Loyalty program. Information will also be collected as you interact with us, such as requesting to join our mailing lists, taking part in market research or customer satisfaction surveys or dealing with our customer services team.
To ensure that your details are up to date and to help determine any possible affordability checks, we may supplement the information we hold about you with data from companies that collate and update address and household information for a range of sources. We will only work with companies that obtain this data in compliance with data protection legislation. This data will not be used to market to you without your prior consent.
We must also comply with legal obligations to promote responsible gambling, consider our customers' financial ability to gamble and prevent our services from being used for illegal purposes. If we identify activity on your account that could present a risk or we believe you have provided false information, we may look at publicly available information about you such as social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc.) property ownership details, the electoral roll, Companies House, and insolvency registers to verify the information provided to us.
Personal data | We may use your information for the following purposes, based on the following legal grounds: |
We use the following cookies:
Provider | Cookie IDs | Description | Further Information |
Aspers Group Limited Cookies | cookie-preference | Strictly necessary cookies Used to remember a user’s choice about cookie preference. Where users have previously indicated a preference, that user’s preference will be stored in this cookie. This information is processed in a way that does not directly identify anyone. |
Aspers Group Limited Cookies | PHPSESSID | Strictly necessary cookies Used to identify the current session/visit to provide functions across pages. This information is processed in a way that does not directly identify anyone. |
Google Analytics Cookies | _ga, _ga_<wpid>, _gid, _gat[_<customname>], _gcl_au | Analytical/performance cookies Google Analytics is used to collect information about how visitors use our website. We collect information including the number of visitors to the website, where visitors have come to the website from and the pages they visited. The information is collected and processed in a way that does not directly identify anyone. |
Click here for more privacy information
Click here for more information on Google cookies and how they are used |
Third parties
Provider | Description | Further Information |
Google Ads/AdSense Cookies (Adservice.google.com/.co.uk, doubleclick.net, google.com) Cookies |
Analytical/performance cookies Google Ads/AdSense is used to store and track conversions (clicks) from advertisements placed on third party websites. They help us collect data that allows us to understand how users interact with a particular advertisement campaign. These insights allow services both to improve content and to build better features that improve the user’s experience. Users may be uniquely identified by web request, IP address, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your request. This log data is anonymized by removing part of the IP address (after 9 months) and cookie information (after 18 months). Marketing/advertising cookies Google Ads/AdSense uses cookies for advertising, including serving and rendering ads, personalizing ads (depending on user's ad settings at g.co/adsettings), limiting the number of times an ad is shown to a user, muting ads user's have chosen to stop seeing, and measuring the effectiveness of ads. They help us collect data that allows us to understand how users interact with a particular advertisement campaign. These insights allow services both to improve content and to make advertising more effective by delivering relevant and targeted ads. Users may be uniquely identified by web request, IP address, browser type, browser language, the date and time of your request. This log data is anonymized by removing part of the IP address (after 9 months) and cookie information (after 18 months). |
Click here for more privacy information
Click here for more information on Google cookies and how they are used |
Facebook (Meta) Cookies | Analytical/performance cookies Facebook (Meta) cookies are used to store and measure activity on our websites that originate from clicks on advertisements and posts placed on Facebook. They help us collect data that allows us to understand how users interact with a particular ad or post. These insights allow services both to improve content and to build better features that improve the user’s experience. The information is collected and processed in a way that does not directly identify anyone. |
Click here for further information on how Facebook (Meta) uses cookies
Click here for further information on how you can control the use of cookies on Facebook (Meta) |
The Trade Desk (adsrvr.org) |
Marketing/advertising cookies The Trade Desk uses cookies for advertising, including serving and rendering targeted ads, personalizing ads, limiting the number of times an ad is shown to a user, muting ads users have chosen to stop seeing, and measuring the effectiveness of ads. They help us collect data that allows us to understand how users interact with regards to a particular advertisement campaign. These insights allow services both to improve content and to make advertising more effective by delivering relevant and targeted ads. Users may be identified by browser and device using a unique randomly generated ID. This is matched against information, such as advertising interest segments and histories of ads shown in the browser or device. This information is neither sold or shared with other third parties. |
Click here for further information on how you can control the use of cookies by The Trade Desk |
Control over cookies
We keep your information confidential but may disclose it to our personnel, other companies within the Aspers Group, suppliers, or subcontractors insofar as it is reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this privacy policy. We carry out checks to ensure that the companies we work with will provide the same level of safeguards to protect your data as we do, and we put contractual measures in place to reinforce those obligations.
If we are involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of all or a portion of our assets, you will be notified via email, account message and/or a prominent notice on our website of any change in ownership or uses of this information, as well as any choices you may have regarding this information.
You have the right to be informed
You have the right to access
You have the right to rectification
You have the right to erasure
You have the right to restrict processing
You have the right to data portability
You have the right to object
If the information is being used for direct marketing
Withdrawal of consent
The materials that can be linked from linked sites are not maintained by us and we are not responsible for the contents thereof. Any reference to a linked site or any specific third-party product or service by name does not imply or constitute its endorsement by us, and you assume all risk with respect to its use. If you follow a link to any of these websites, please note that these websites have their own terms and conditions and privacy policies, and we do not accept any responsibility or liability for these policies. Please check these policies before you submit any information or personal data to these websites.
The copyright in the contents and materials of this website is owned by the Group. As content on the website is copyrighted, any unauthorised use of any materials on the website may violate our rights pertaining to such material. If a user downloads the materials on the web site for personal or non-commercial use, the user must retain all copyright and other proprietary notices.
The materials contained in this web site are for general information only and do not constitute advice on any matter. We accept no responsibility for any loss caused by reliance on any statement contained in this web site. Links to other sites from these pages are for information only and we accept no responsibility for any material contained within those sites.
Due to the nature of the electronic communication process, we cannot, nor do we, guarantee or warrant, that access to our website (or any part of it) will be uninterrupted, or without delay and we accept no liability in this respect. Furthermore, whilst we make all reasonable attempts to exclude viruses from this website, we cannot ensure that it will be free of viruses and we cannot and do not accept any liability in this respect. You are therefore recommended to take all appropriate safeguards before downloading or accessing information from this website.
This disclaimer and any claim based on use of information from this website shall be governed by the laws of England and the parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.
Use of site: Users must be over 18 years old and comply with English law.
This site contains information, content, features, products and services which are suitable only for persons over 18. Therefore this website, and any part of it, is only available to those who are over 18 years of age. This site operates in accordance with and complies with all elements of English law, including data protection. By continuing to the next page or visiting, using, viewing the whole or any part of it or having any involvement whatsoever with this website you are confirming that you are over 18 and will not misuse the website in any way and continue to use this site in accordance with and compliance with all elements of English law. If you are under 18 years of age or do not agree to be bound or abide by this notice then you are not authorised to or visit, use, view the whole or any part of it or have any involvement whatsoever with this website and must leave the website immediately. We reserve the right to take action against those who do not.
We use Wi-Fi connection data for security, compliance and to improve the customer experience in our casinos. We are collecting the location of devices on our network, identifying them by a pseudonymised version of their MAC (Media Access Control) address.
We will not collect data on browsing activity, cookies, phone numbers or how the Wi-Fi service is used.
You can opt-out by turning off Wi-Fi on your device, turning your device off or putting your device into airplane mode while at our casinos.
All data collected is automatically depersonalised, using a one-way pseudonymisation process to ensure Aspers is unable to identify any individual. This happens immediately after the data is first collected.
Pseudonymisation is the process of distinguishing individuals in a dataset by using a unique identifier that does not reveal their 'real world' identity. This is a way of protecting people's privacy in accordance with the Information Commissioner's Anonymisation Code of Practice
When a device such as a smartphone or tablet has Wi-Fi enabled, the device will continually search for a Wi-Fi network to connect to. We will record the identifying number specific to that device known as a MAC address.
Names and email addresses will be collected and used to process entries. Your details may remain stored after the End Date but will not be used for marketing unless you have ticked an opt-in box on entry. If you have opted in to receive marketing communications, then your details will be used in accordance with the information given when you ticked the opt-in box and gave your consent.
By entering this Promotion, you are consenting to our use of your entry to publicise this Promotion. This means that we may use all names, images, descriptions, photographs, video footage, and other information, which you have submitted on entry, in any media, without paying you any remuneration therefore and without any time restriction. You also agree that we may film, record or photograph you in connection with the competition and/or the Prize if applicable. You must notify Aspers if you wish to opt out of the use of your data for these purposes.
Disregard or failure to meet any of these terms may result in the management cancelling prizes.
£4 Pints and House Drinks
Fish Friday
Beer, Burger and a Bet
£10 Matchplay
Fusion Buffet
Finishing Position | Points |
1st | 100 points |
2nd | 90 points |
3rd | 80 points |
4th | 70 points |
5th | 60 points |
6th | 50 points |
7th | 40 points |
8th | 30 points |
9th | 20 points |
10th | 10 points |
Weekly Tournament Conditions
Names and email addresses will be collected and used to process entries. Your details may remain stored after the End Date but will not be used for marketing unless you have ticked an opt-in box on entry. If you have opted in to receive marketing communications, then your details will be used in accordance with the information given when you ticked the opt-in box and gave your consent.
By entering this Promotion, you are consenting to our use of your entry to publicise this Promotion. This means that we may use all names, images, descriptions, photographs, video footage, and other information, which you have submitted on entry, in any media, without paying you any remuneration therefore and without any time restriction. You also agree that we may film, record or photograph you in connection with the competition and/or the Prize if applicable.
Names and email addresses will be collected and used to process entries. Your details may remain stored after the End Date but will not be used for marketing unless you have ticked an opt-in box on entry. If you have opted in to receive marketing communications, then your details will be used in accordance with the information given when you ticked the opt-in box and gave your consent.
Names and email addresses will be collected and used to process entries. Your details may remain stored after the End Date but will not be used for marketing unless you have ticked an opt-in box on entry. If you have opted in to receive marketing communications, then your details will be used in accordance with the information given when you ticked the opt-in box and gave your consent.
Membership free to those aged 18 or over.
Challenge 25, Photo ID required to enter and to join Aspers Rewards. Click here for our terms, conditions & policies and Legals. Please play responsibly
We use cookies on our site to help provide you with the best user experience. For further information please see the cookies section of our Privacy Policy. If you consent to cookies being used please confirm your preference below: